So you made it. Now what?
Updated: Sep 24, 2020
Often times my clients who “made it” be they CEO’s or Elite Pro Athletes get to a pinnacle point. That point where you have reached the proverbial top and the question I hear next is “Now what?” It seems simple enough to ask but, it is often hard to answer. The reality is it doesn’t matter if you are a CEO, athlete or someone looking to retire or change your life. I would implore you to just work through this simple exercise.
Now what?
Well here are a few things to consider:
· What have you neglected while on your journey?
· Were there areas in your life you wanted to pursue but, didn’t have the time or capability to do?
· Are their friendships, relationships or partnerships you had to put aside that you want to re-kindle, remove or restart?
· What today feeds your soul?
· What would you do today if you had no limitations?
· Were there boundaries you needed to have that you let slip?
Walk through this. Make a list and start with a goal. ONE GOAl. Make it simple and achievable in the next 30 days.
I promise you your "What" will appear and you will be on the way to your next great adventure!
“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” ― Jimmy Johnson
About the Author: Ivyia Adams MS,LMHC,CCTP is a Licensed Psychotherapist and internationally certified trauma specialist located in Tampa, Florida with extensive experience PTSD, Athlete Transition Issues (High School, College and Professional), Anxiety, Depression, Sexual Abuse, Trauma, Military Issues & Life Change. She is the owner of Tampa Bay Therapy and Training Services, LLC.